Saturday, December 17, 2011

Change of Pace

I wish my Mom read my blog. For me, this is where the real things I have going on in my head live. I guess part of me just wonders what she would think. Would she be proud? Would she question my thought process? I just feel as though there is a certain amount of positive and negative feeling that gets put into my posts. I also feel as though she would tell me to post more. Mostly because she probably wants to be able to keep up with my life. Well Mom, I will do my best!!

So this post is not about my Mother. As much as I love her and want to write a post about her, I am just not comfortable being able to put my thoughts on my Mother into words quite yet. Today, well today is dedicated to my current state in life.

Now I will let you know. Most of you did not know me when I was in High School. I am going to make this as simple as possible. If there was a superlative for least likely to succeed, I would have voted for myself. I was just one of those kids that never really cared about doing much, or focusing my strengths in any direction. I was interested in the cute girls and looking what I thought at the time to be fresh. I literally can not tell you how many teachers over the years told me I was a bright kid and all I needed to do was apply myself. That always stuck with me, the ability to NOT apply myself. Why would I? What good was High School doing for me. At the time, I didn't think it was doing much of anything for me. It was a place I wasted 7 hours a day thinking about random stuff. (I once made a whole town out of twisty ties, I swear some day that will benefit me. Definitely a skill.) So here I am, in what should be me going into my final semester of college. Unfortunately college never happened for me. I mean, unless you count those 2 months where I hung out in the campus lunch room (Sorry Mom.) The idea of classroom education just never sat well with me. So as some of you may or may not know, I am moving to California in a month. The kid who would never do anything with his life, is finally picking up shop and moving out west. The part that gets me, and literally the reason why I wrote this post is because I am going out there with numerous peoples support. I am, for the first time in my life, getting positive support from others believing that I will succeed. I know I know, this sounds so arrogant and cocky. I swear, that is not why I am writing this. I simply just have never felt like anyone other than my loving Mother has believed in me this way.

Well. I guess there is really only 1 thing left to do then. To everyone who supports my ideas and dreams. For anyone who has ever doubted these same things. This post is for you. This is my promise to each and every one of you that I will finally apply myself and squeeze myself of every bit of talent I have. I have never been this determined and motivated in my life. So thank you, thank you all for helping me get to where I am. This is literally the start of it all. I could not and will not do this without you. So thank you once again.

And Mom, eventually you will get your own post on here. I can promise that.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck bro... thoughts become things do keep thinking, plotting and executing.
